Engineering research


Outliner top.png
This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.14) of the game.

Engineering research.png Engineering is one of the three research areas. It consists of the following fields:

  • Industry.png Industry: mineral production, robotics, building construction, cosmic storm protection.
  • Materials Materials: armor, industrial buildings, strategic resources.
  • Propulsion Propulsion: kinetic and explosive weapons, thrusters.
  • Voidcraft.png Voidcraft: ship types and hulls, starbases, strike craft, megastructures.

Table usageEdit

Color indicators: Starter , Acquisition , Rare , Dangerous , Repeatable .


  1. The table shows the default names/icons of techs. Flavor entry is displayed if accompanied by a change to effects/requirements.
  2. If a tech was available as a research option as part of the last choice, then its (total) weight is halved in the coming choice.
  3. The table denotes the base cost of a tech. Actual in-game tech cost scales with game settings and Empire sprawl.png (number of colonized planets and population).
  4. To research techs of higher tiers, it is necessary to first acquire six or more techs of the preceding tier.
  5. Sorting the table by tiers places all Starter tech at the top and Repeatable end-game tech at the bottom.
  6. Most icons also double as links. For more information about an unlocked effect (buildings, components, etc.), click on the accompanying icon.


The Industry.png Industry tech tree focuses on mineral production and robotic pops.

Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites Draw weight DLC
Tech basic industry.png Industrial Base
The basic industrial infrastructure that is required to become a spacefaring civilization.
  • Alloy Foundries Alloy Foundries
  • Civilian Industries Civilian Industries
  • Resource Silos Resource Silos
  • Industrial District Industrial District
Tech space construction.png Offworld Construction
Construction in space presents our engineers with new design challenges that must be solved before we can build orbital stations above other worlds.
  • Ship class Construction Ship
  • Station class Mining Station
  • Station class Research Station
Tech mechanized mining.png Mechanized Mining
The basic industrial infrastructure that is required to become a spacefaring civilization.
0 Mining District Mining District
Tech mining 1.png Geothermal Fracking
New fracking techniques will allow us to tap into previously unattainable pockets of geothermal resources deep beneath the planet's crust.
2000 1
  • Minerals.png +20% Minerals from Miners
  • Minerals.png +10% Minerals from Starbase Constructions
Tech basic industry.png Industrial Base Base: 100
Deep Core Mining Deep Core Mining
These massive drills are needed to access the rich mineral deposits that can often be found close to a planet's core.
4000 2
  • Minerals.png +20% Minerals from Miners
  • Minerals.png +10% Minerals from Starbase Constructions
Tech mining 1.png Geothermal Fracking Base: 85
Tech mining 3.png Mineral Isolation
Advanced spectrometry combines with fracking techniques and chemical flushing to rapidly exploit shallow and mid-depth deposits.
8000 3
  • Minerals.png +20% Minerals from Miners
  • Minerals.png +10% Minerals from Starbase Constructions
Deep Core Mining Deep Core Mining Base: 65
Tech mineral purification 1.png Mineral Purification
Optimal processing of mined materials have allowed us to reach new levels of efficiency.
3000 1
  • Mineral Purification Plants Mineral Purification Plants
  • Menu icon edicts.png Mining Subsidies
Tech mining 1.png Geothermal Fracking Base: 90
  • ×1.5 Prospectorium Prospectorium subject
Advanced Mineral Purification Advanced Mineral Purification
Second-stage processing of pseudo-refined minerals allow for more efficient storage and transportation.
6000 2
  • Mineral Purification Hubs Mineral Purification Hubs
  • Orbitalring mineral hub.png Low Gravity Mega-Refiners
  • Colonial Centralization Colonial Centralization
  • Tech mineral purification 1.png Mineral Purification
  • Volatile motes.png Access to Volatile Motes through tech or galactic market
Base: 140
  • ×1.5 Prospectorium Prospectorium subject
Extraction Patterns Extraction Patterns
Changes in how mineral deposits are evaluated relative to each other lead to more efficient boring patterns.
50000 5 Pop resource minerals mult.png +5% Minerals from Jobs Advanced Mineral Purification Advanced Mineral Purification Base: 12.5
  • ×0.01 another repeatable tech was drawn
Assembly Patterns Assembly Patterns
Rapid iteration in construction simulations determines the optimal component assembly patterns for each building project ahead of time.
3000 1 Mod planet building build speed mult.png +25% Planetary Build Speed Tech engineering 1.png Nanomechanics Base: 90
  • ×1.25 Militarist.pngFanatic militarist.png Militarist
Tech construction templates.png Construction Templates
Standardized pre-fab templates massively reduce on-site facility construction times.
10000 3
  • Mod planet building build speed mult.png +50% Planetary Build Speed
  • Mod country resource max add.png +5000 Resource Silos Capacity
  • Empire sprawl.png −10% Empire Size from Districts
Assembly Patterns Assembly Patterns Base: 30
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×1.25 Militarist.pngFanatic militarist.png Militarist
  • ×0.5 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise industry.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: industry Expertise: Industry trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
Assembly Algorithms Assembly Algorithms
The application of game and puzzle theory has the potential to greatly optimize modular assembly and construction.
50000 5 Mod planet building build speed mult.png +10% Planetary Build Speed
  • Tech construction templates.png Construction Templates
  • Can only be researched 5 times
Base: 12.5
  • ×0.01 another repeatable tech was drawn
Tech housing 1.png Weather Control Systems
The ability to alter a planet's weather patterns to suppress destructive weather phenomena will make residential buildings easier to maintain and open up new areas for habitation.
5000 2 Mod planet housing add.png +1 Housing from City District City Districts Base: 112.5
Anti-Gravity Engineering Anti-Gravity Engineering
With directional gravity technology, buildings on the surface of planets can reach higher than ever before without risking structural collapse. The sky is the limit!
8000 3
  • Mod planet housing add.png +1 Housing from City District City Districts
  • Expanded Warren Expanded Warren
  • Orbitalring module habitation.png Habitation Module
  • Tech housing 1.png Weather Control Systems
  • No.pngAgrarian Idyll Agrarian Idyll
Base: 97.5
Tech space mining 1.png Zero-G Refineries
The addition of internal refineries on mining stations will substantially increase mineral production.
2000 1
  • Minerals.png +10% Mining Station Output
  • Sb nebula refinery.png Nebula Refinery
Tech space construction.png Offworld Construction Base: 100
Tech space mining 2.png Long-Range Mineral Scanners
Increased scanner range will allow us to more quickly identify mineral concentrations, and focus our mining efforts there.
3000 1 Minerals.png +10% Mining Station Output Tech space mining 1.png Zero-G Refineries Base: 90
Tech space mining 3.png Mineral Cutting Beams
These powerful short-range lasers can easily slice through rock, making the extraction of minerals a more efficient affair.
4000 2 Minerals.png +10% Mining Station Output Tech space mining 2.png Long-Range Mineral Scanners Base: 85
Autonomous Mining Drones Autonomous Mining Drones
Fleets of autonomous drones equipped with mining beams are deployed to quickly and efficiently gather nearby minerals.
6000 2 Minerals.png +10% Mining Station Output Tech space mining 3.png Mineral Cutting Beams Base: 70
Tech space mining 5.png Nanite Mineral Probes
These special probes are equipped with swarms of nanites that identify previously unknown mineral concentrations and mark them for later extraction.
8000 3 Minerals.png +10% Mining Station Output Autonomous Mining Drones Autonomous Mining Drones Base: 65
Tech powered exoskeletons.png Powered Exoskeletons
Auth machine intelligence.png Improved Servomotors
Wearing a powered exoskeleton suit augments the user's strength and speed. The military applications are obvious, but it will also increase labor efficiency.
2000 1
  • Mod army damage mult.png +5% Army damage
  • Pop cat worker.png +5% Worker resource output
Tech basic industry.png Industrial Base Base: 150
Tech integrated cybernetics.png Integrated Cybernetics
Auth machine intelligence.png Adaptive Cybernetics
Improving upon basic exoskeletal suits, these integrated cybernetic implants make the user more resistant to harmful environmental effects.
6000 2 Mod habitability.png +5% Habitability
  • Tech powered exoskeletons.png Powered Exoskeletons
  • Colonial Centralization Colonial Centralization
Base: 105
Tech robotic workers.png Artificial Workforce
These artificial work units are perfect for menial labor tasks. They are hard-working and capable of following simple vocal instructions, but should not be expected to climb stairs.
3000 1
  • Mechanical Can build Mechanical pops
  • Robot Assembly Plants Robot Assembly Plants
  • Tech powered exoskeletons.png Powered Exoskeletons
  • No.pngGestalt consciousness.png Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.pngMenu icon policies.png Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
Base: 135
  • ×2 Materialist.pngFanatic materialist.png Materialist
  • ×0.5 Spiritualist.pngFanatic spiritualist.png Spiritualist
Droids Artificial Specialists
Upgraded artificial units have an expanded movement range equal to that of most organics. Their neural processors have also been greatly improved.
6000 2
  • Mechanical Mechanical pops can take Specialist jobs
  • Army robotic.png Robotic Assault Army
  • Colonial Centralization Colonial Centralization
  • Tech robotic workers.png Artificial Workforce
  • No.pngGestalt consciousness.png Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.pngRobotic Workers Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
Base: 70
  • ×2 Origins mechanist.png Mechanist origin
  • ×2 Materialist.pngFanatic materialist.png Materialist
  • ×0.5 Spiritualist.pngFanatic spiritualist.png Spiritualist
Tech synthetic workers.png Artificial Administration
Highly advanced units that are stronger, faster and more durable than the vast majority of organics. With their upgraded neural processors they are fully capable of independent operations.
20000 4
  • Mod pop resource output.png +10% Robot Output
  • Mechanical Mechanical pops can take Ruler jobs
  • Droids Artificial Specialists
  • Tech galactic administration.png Galactic Administration
  • Tech sapient ai.png Positronic AI
  • No.pngGestalt consciousness.png Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.pngRobotic Workers Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
Base: 20
  • ×2 Origins mechanist.png Mechanist origin
  • ×2 Materialist.pngFanatic materialist.png Materialist
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.5 Spiritualist.pngFanatic spiritualist.png Spiritualist
  • ×0.2 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait hyper focus.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngHyper Focus Hyper Focus trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise industry.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: industry Expertise: Industry trait
Artificial Personality Matrix Artificial Personality Matrix
Equipped with a personality, synthetics will finally be able to interact socially on equal terms with the rest of our citizens. Some units may even assume leadership roles.
24000 4 Menu icon leaders.png Mechanical pops can generate Leaders
  • Tech synthetic workers.png Artificial Administration
  • No.pngGestalt consciousness.png Gestalt Consciousness
  • No.pngRobotic Workers Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
  • No.pngArtificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence policy Outlawed
Base: 35
  • ×0.33 Necrophage Necrophage
Tech industrial storm protection.png Planetary Storm Negation
This nexus of weather communication mitigates the harm done by cosmic weather disasters. Production will suffer less from a passing galactic tempest.
2000 1 Storm Relief Center Storm Relief Center
  • Yes.png Encountered a cosmic storm
Base: 100
  • ×2 if either:
    • Origin storm chasers.png Storm Chasers
    • AstrometeorologyWeather ExploitationClimate ModelingClimate Modeling Astrometeorology
      Astrometeorology Astrometeorology
      Weather Exploitation Weather Exploitation
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
    • Storm DevotionStorm Influencers Storm Devotion
      Storm Devotion Storm Devotion
      Storm Influencers Storm Influencers
Cosmic Storms.png
Tech advanced industrial storm protection.png Planetary Storm Nullification
By consolidating local weather control systems, planetary weather patterns can be manipulated to significantly reduce most of the cosmic storms' harmful effects on production.
4000 2
  • Storm Nullifier Storm Nullifier
  • Hunker Down Protocols Hunker Down Protocols
  • Tech industrial storm protection.png Planetary Storm Negation
Base: 85
  • ×2 if either:
    • Origin storm chasers.png Storm Chasers
    • AstrometeorologyWeather ExploitationClimate ModelingClimate Modeling Astrometeorology
      Astrometeorology Astrometeorology
      Weather Exploitation Weather Exploitation
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
    • Storm DevotionStorm Influencers Storm Devotion
      Storm Devotion Storm Devotion
      Storm Influencers Storm Influencers
  • ×0.5 Encountered fewer than 4 cosmic storms
Cosmic Storms.png
Tech robomodding.png Machine Template System
Rewritable assembly templates allow for the creation of bespoke synthetic worker designs.
4000 1
  • Mod habitability.png +5% Habitability
  • Mod leader age.png +20 Years Leader Lifespan if Machine Machine main species
  • Feature Can modify Mechanical pops
  • Artificial Workforce Artificial Workforce if No.pngMachine Machine main species
  • Tech powered exoskeletons.png Powered Exoskeletons if Machine Machine main species
  • No.pngAuth hive mind.png Hive Mind
  • No.pngRobotic Workers Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
Base: 85
Cross-Model Standardization Cross-Model Standardization
Improved production practices allow for greater alterations to synthetic workers without compromising core functionality.
8000 2 Trait points +3 Mechanical pop trait points
  • Tech robomodding.png Machine Template System
  • Artificial Specialists Artificial Specialists
  • No.pngMachine Machine main species
  • No.pngRobotic Workers Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
Base: 65
  • ×2 Origins mechanist.png Mechanist origin
Tech robomodding points 2.png Fungible Circuitry
Improved production practices allow for fundamental changes to synthetic workers without compromising core functionality.
16000 4 Trait points +1 Mechanical pop trait points
  • Cross-Model Standardization Cross-Model Standardization
  • Artificial Administration Artificial Administration
  • No.pngMachine Machine main species
  • No.pngRobotic Workers Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
Base: 22.5
  • ×4 The Flesh is Weak The Flesh is Weak ascension perk
  • ×2 Origins mechanist.png Mechanist origin
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.5 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait hyper focus.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngHyper Focus Hyper Focus trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise industry.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: industry Expertise: Industry trait
Tech mega assembly.png Robotic Assembly Systems
Advanced templates allow us to drastically increase the assembly of new robots.
16000 4 Robot Assembly Complex Robot Assembly Complex
  • Tech robomodding.png Machine Template System
  • Tech galactic administration.png Galactic Administration
  • No.pngMachine Machine main species
  • No.pngRobotic Workers Robotic Workers policy Outlawed
Base: 22.5
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.2 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait hyper focus.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngHyper Focus Hyper Focus trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise industry.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: industry Expertise: Industry trait
Binary Motivators Binary Motivators
These advanced motivators are both smaller and lighter than previous versions, allowing robotic units to allocate additional space for subsystems.
8000 3 Trait points +3 Machine pop trait points
  • Tech robomodding.png Machine Template System
  • Colonial Centralization Colonial Centralization
  • Machine Machine main species
Base: 65 Synthetic Dawn.png
The Machine Age.png
Tech robomodding points 2.png Nanite Assemblers
Using programmable nanites to assist in the construction of new robotic units will allow for more advanced models that are equipped with an even greater array of subsystems.
16000 4 Trait points +1 Machine pop trait points
  • Binary Motivators Binary Motivators
  • Tech galactic administration.png Galactic Administration
  • Machine Machine main species
Base: 22.5
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.2 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait hyper focus.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngHyper Focus Hyper Focus trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise industry.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: industry Expertise: Industry trait
Synthetic Dawn.png
The Machine Age.png
Tech mega assembly.png Mega-Assembly Systems
Advanced templates allow us to drastically increase the assembly of new units.
16000 4 Machine Assembly Complex Machine Assembly Complex
  • Binary Motivators Binary Motivators
  • Tech galactic administration.png Galactic Administration
  • Machine Machine main species
Base: 22.5
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.2 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait hyper focus.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngHyper Focus Hyper Focus trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise industry.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: industry Expertise: Industry trait
Synthetic Dawn.png
The Machine Age.png
Tech micro replicators.png Micro-Replicators
Microscopic tools that can assist our replication units in creating the more complex circuitry needed for new drones.
5000 2
  • Mod pop assembly speed.png +10% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
  • Upgraded Drone Storage Upgraded Drone Storage
Machine Machine main species Base: 112.5 Synthetic Dawn.png
The Machine Age.png
Tech self assembling components.png Self-Assembling Components
Modeled on organic DNA, these microscopic machine intellects are capable of autonomously assembling most components needed for new drones.
12000 3 Mod pop assembly speed.png +10% Mechanical Pop Assembly Speed
  • Tech micro replicators.png Micro-Replicators
  • Machine Machine main species
Base: 75 Synthetic Dawn.png
The Machine Age.png
Tech identity copy.png Identity Copies
We will be able to copy the identity and memories of a Synthetic into a new mechanical body. The copies have predictable skill sets but make for stale conversation.
16000 4 Synthetic Identities Unlocks Synthetic Identities policy: Identity Fusion Synthesization situation The Machine Age.png
Tech identity fusion.png Identity Fusion
Merging the identities and memories of two or more Synthetics into a mechanical body will create new, somewhat unique individuals.
20000 4 Synthetic Identities Unlocks Synthetic Identities policy: Identity Fusion
  • Synthetic Identities Synthetic Identities policy
Base: 45 The Machine Age.png
Tech identity initialization.png Identity Initialization
We will be able to initialize an identity kernel and provide it with a virtual childhood. While expensive, we can simulate the optimal experiences to generate productive personalities.
20000 4 Synthetic Identities Unlocks Synthetic Identities policy: Identity Initialization
  • Synthetic Identities Synthetic Identities policy
Base: 45 The Machine Age.png
Robot Manufacturing Nexus Robot Manufacturing Nexus
An avant-garde assembly complex manned by expert Roboticists, this facility transcends conventional bounds, meticulously realizing the forefront of robotic innovation.
50000 5 Robot Manufacturing Nexus Robot Manufacturing Nexus
  • Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 4
  • No.pngAuth hive mind.png Hive Mind
Base: 20
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • ×2 Synaptic Lathe has 50+ pops
The Machine Age.png
Robot Quantum Production Hub Robot Quantum Production Hub
A marvel in engineering, this facility's quantic assembly line uses entanglement converters to craft machine parts down to the most minute detail. Not a single atom is misplaced.
50000 4 Robot Quantum Production Hub Robot Quantum Production Hub
  • Robot Manufacturing Nexus Robot Manufacturing Nexus
  • No.pngAuth hive mind.png Hive Mind
Base: 20 The Machine Age.png
Affluence Emporium Affluence Emporium
This center anticipates and fulfills material desires using an advanced procurement algorithm, delivering satisfaction before the populace realizes their wants.
50000 5 Affluence Emporium Affluence Emporium
  • Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 5
  • Consumer goods upkeep Uses consumer goods
Base: 20
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • ×2 Synaptic Lathe has 50+ pops
The Machine Age.png
Affluence Center Affluence Center
This center effortlessly materializes the most outlandish desires at a moment's notice.
50000 5 Affluence Center Affluence Center
  • Affluence Emporium Affluence Emporium
  • Consumer goods upkeep Uses consumer goods
Base: 20 The Machine Age.png

Event Industry technologiesEdit

The following technologies cannot be discovered by research draws and are added as permanent research options by events.

Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites DLC
Tech lost building methods.png Lost Building Methods
Any civilization with a long enough history has examples of great wonders built by forgotten ancients which can no longer be replicated. Luckily for us we have documented these great ancients when they appeared on pre-FTL worlds.
6000 2
  • Envoy.png +0.25 Available Envoys
  • Empire sprawl.png −30% Empire Size from Districts
  • Mod planet building cost mult.png −30% District Cost
First Contact Observation Insights situation
Tech leviathan techgenesis.png Leviathan Tech Genesis
Utilizing the received knowledge seized from Leviathans, we now have access to new improvements for our frames.
32000 5 The Machine Age.png Defeated a mechanical guardian


The Materials Materials tech tree focuses on advanced and strategic resources and ship armor.

Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites Draw weight DLC
Tech ship armor 1.png Nanocomposite Materials
Reinforced nanocomposite hull plating can provide an extra layer of protection that could be the difference between life and death in a combat situation.
2000 0 Ship part armor 1.png Nanocomposite Armor
Ceramo-Metal Materials Ceramo-Metal Materials
A combination of different metals and ceramics that result in a strong armor without sacrificing flexibility.
2500 1 Ship part armor 2.png Ceramo-Metal Armor Tech ship armor 1.png Nanocomposite Materials Base: 118.75
  • ×1.5 Specialist subject bulwark.png Bulwark subject
Tech ship armor 3.png Plasteel Materials
Plasteel is an elastic material that combines many of the qualities of plastics and metal. It is relatively cheap to produce and can be used to augment ship armor.
5000 2 Ship part armor 3.png Plasteel Armor Ceramo-Metal Materials Ceramo-Metal Materials Base: 93.75
  • ×1.5 Specialist subject bulwark.png Bulwark subject
Durasteel Materials Durasteel Materials
This strong yet flexible material is capable of withstanding severe punishment. It serves well as ship armor.
10000 3 Ship part armor 4.png Durasteel Armor Tech ship armor 3.png Plasteel Materials Base: 75
  • ×1.5 Specialist subject bulwark.png Bulwark subject
Tech ship armor 5.png Neutronium Materials
This incredibly dense and strong material can resist firepower that would turn armor made of any other alloys into slag.
20000 4 Ship part armor 5.png Neutronium Armor Durasteel Materials Durasteel Materials Base: 50
  • ×1.5 Specialist subject bulwark.png Bulwark subject
Armor Hardening Armor Hardening
Incorporating a crystal lattice in our ship's defenses provides some resistance to weapons that normally cut through armor.
6000 2 Ship part armor hardener 1.png Reactive Armor
  • Ceramo-Metal Alloys Ceramo-Metal Alloys
  • Tech rare crystals.png Rare Crystal Manufacturing
Base: 70
Adaptive Armor Hardening Adaptive Armor Hardening
Threads of living metal react to incoming fire, rearranging itself to better resist penetrating weapons fire.
48000 5 Ship part armor hardener 2.png Living Reactive Armor
  • Armor Hardening Armor Hardening
  • Living Metal Living Metal
Base: 20
Tech repeatable improved armor output.png Matter Compression
Compressing suitable materials into ultra-dense forms is a cheap and efficient way to improve their ability to absorb weapons-grade impacts.
50000 5 Mod ship armor mult.png +5% Armor Hit Points Tech ship armor 3.png Plasteel Materials Base: 12.5
  • ×0.01 another repeatable tech was drawn
Nano-Circuit Assembly Nano-Circuit Assembly
With pre-programmed nano-circuits, many consumer products can be rapidly assembled in fabricators.
3000 1 Civilian Fabricators Civilian Fabricators
  • Tech basic industry.png Industrial Base
  • Rare crystals.png Access to Rare Crystals through tech or galactic market
  • Consumer goods.png Empire uses Consumer Goods
Base: 90
  • ×1.5 Prospectorium Prospectorium subject
Tech luxuries 2.png Replicator Kiosks
These kiosks can replicate any pre-approved object if its pattern has been stored within their memory banks.
8000 3
  • Civilian Repli-Complexes Civilian Repli-Complexes
  • Orbital Logistics Systems Orbital Logistics Systems
  • Colonial Centralization Colonial Centralization
  • Nano-Circuit Assembly Nano-Circuit Assembly
  • Consumer goods.png Empire uses Consumer Goods
Base: 130
  • ×1.5 Prospectorium Prospectorium subject
Tech alloys 1.png Holographic Casts
Solid holographic casts can alter their shapes at a moment's notice, speeding up alloy production.
3000 1 Alloy Mega-Forges Alloy Mega-Forges
  • Tech basic industry.png Industrial Base
  • Volatile motes.png Access to Volatile Motes through tech or galactic market
Base: 90
  • ×1.5 Prospectorium Prospectorium subject
Nano-Separators Nano-Separators
Nano-separators are a revolutionary new step in the creation of alloys, simplifying the casting process while improving overall production quality.
8000 3
  • Alloy Nano-Plants Alloy Nano-Plants
  • Alloy Processing Facilities Alloy Processing Facilities
  • Colonial Centralization Colonial Centralization
  • Tech alloys 1.png Holographic Casts
Base: 130
  • ×1.5 Prospectorium Prospectorium subject
Ceramo-Metal Alloys Ceramo-Metal Alloys
The widespread use of advanced ceramics in industry can improve metallurgical yields.
4000 2 Metallurgist +10% Metallurgists Output
  • Tech alloys 1.png Holographic Casts
  • Ceramo-Metal Materials Ceramo-Metal Materials
Base: 170
Durasteel-Laced Alloys Durasteel-Laced Alloys
By replacing antiquated ceramo-metal equipment with cutting edge technology, we can run our forges hotter and longer, increasing production.
16000 4 Metallurgist +10% Metallurgists Output
  • Ceramo-Metal Alloys Ceramo-Metal Alloys
  • Nano-Separators Nano-Separators
  • Durasteel Materials Durasteel Materials
Base: 90
Exotic Gas Refining Exotic Gas Refining
Exotic Gas can be produced artificially, but it is a difficult process that requires advanced refinery equipment.
4000 2
  • Exotic Gas Refineries Exotic Gas Refineries
  • Exotic gases.png Can use Exotic Gases resource
Tech basic industry.png Industrial Base Base: 170
  • ×0.5 any celestial body within borders has a deposit of Exotic gases.png Exotic Gases
Tech rare crystals.png Rare Crystal Manufacturing
The crystallization process is complicated and difficult, but synthetic crystals can be manufactured by using specialized industrial plants.
4000 2
  • Rare crystals.png Can use Rare Crystals resource
  • Synthetic Crystal Plants Synthetic Crystal Plants
Tech basic industry.png Industrial Base Base: 170
  • ×0.5 any celestial body within borders has a deposit of Rare crystals.png Rare Crystals
Exotic Gas Extraction Exotic Gas Extraction
Pockets of Exotic Gas are rare and often inaccessible by conventional means. Such deposits can only be reached by using special extractor technology.
4000 2
  • Exotic gases.png Can use Exotic Gases resource
  • Miner Miners can harvest Exotic Gases from planetary features
  • Tech space construction.png Offworld Construction
  • Exotic gases.png Exotic Gases deposit within borders
Base: 170
Tech mine rare crystals.png Rare Crystal Mining
Mining these crystals without damaging or even destroying them is an extremely delicate process. It requires advanced equipment capable of pinpoint precision.
4000 2
  • Rare crystals.png Can use Rare Crystals resource
  • Miner Miners can harvest Rare Crystals from planetary features
  • Tech space construction.png Offworld Construction
  • Rare crystals.png Rare Crystals deposit within borders
Base: 170
Tech mine betharian.png Betharian Refining
The Betharian minerals appear to have originated from singular source, but were scattered across the galaxy millennia ago. The minerals are most often encountered as pebble-sized clusters, and are highly flammable.
2500 2 Betharian Power Plant Betharian Power Plant
  • Tech space construction.png Offworld Construction
  • Betharian Fields Betharian Fields planetary feature on any colony
Base: 190
Living Metal Living Metal
Mining and processing the rare living metals is exceedingly difficult, but successful application of the mutable alloys yields incomparable advantages.
32000 5 Living Metal.png Can use Living Metal resource
  • Tech space construction.png Offworld Construction
  • Living Metal.png Discovered Living Metal
Base: 15
Tech nanite transmutation.png Nanite Transmutation
The mass-production of these rare resources require particularly capable nanites.
6000 2 Nanite Transmuter Nanite Transmuter
  • Nanites.png Nanites deposit within borders
Base: 35
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
Distant Stars.png
Arc Furnace Arc Furnace
Utilizing the raw power of a molten planet, the Arc Furnace unlocks otherwise inaccessible minerals and improves system-wide mining operations.
6000 2
  • Fleet order button build megastructure.png Arc Furnace
  • +3 Arc Furnace limit
Base: 35
  • ×2 owns system with an intact Arc Furnace
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.2 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait hyper focus.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngHyper Focus Hyper Focus trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise materials.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: materials Expertise: Materials trait
The Machine Age.png
Quantum Drilling Plant Quantum Drilling Plant
This mining plant can find minerals anywhere in this planet's mantle using quantum tunneling technology to bore through solid materials without physical contact.
50000 5 Quantum Drilling Plant Quantum Drilling Plant Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 2 Base: 20
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • ×2 Synaptic Lathe has 50+ pops
The Machine Age.png
Quantum Drilling Hub Quantum Drilling Hub
This mining hub can extract minerals anywhere down to the planet's outer core using quantum tunneling technology to bore through solid or liquid materials without physical contact.
50000 5 Quantum Drilling Hub Quantum Drilling Hub Quantum Drilling Plant Quantum Drilling Plant Base: 20 The Machine Age.png
Dimensional Fabricator Dimensional Replicator
This fabricator's technology achieves flawless conversion from energy to matter.
50000 5 Dimensional Replicator Dimensional Replicator Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 4 Base: 20
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • ×2 Synaptic Lathe has 50+ pops
The Machine Age.png
Dimensional Replicator Dimensional Fabricator
This advanced fabricator seamlessly tunnels into the fabric of dimensional space, extracting valuable resources.
50000 5 Dimensional Fabricator Dimensional Fabricator Dimensional Fabricator Dimensional Replicator Base: 20 The Machine Age.png
Hyper-Forge Hyper-Forge
This forge's production speed is limited only by the quantity of resources loaded into it.
50000 5 Hyper-Forge Hyper-Forge Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 5 Base: 20
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy ascension perk
  • ×2 Synaptic Lathe has 50+ pops
The Machine Age.png
Auto-Forge Auto-Forge
The expansive nano-replicator bays in this forge transform raw materials into advanced alloys with marvelous efficiency.
50000 5 Auto-Forge Auto-Forge Hyper-Forge Hyper-Forge Base: 20 The Machine Age.png
Tech ship hull storm breaker 1.png Storm Dampening Generators
These dampening field generators offer much needed protection to ships traversing cosmic storms.
3000 1 Unknown.png −50% Negative effects from cosmic storms on defense components
  • Cosmic Weather Models Cosmic Weather Models
  • Yes.png Encountered a cosmic storm
Base: 85
  • ×2 if either:
    • Origin storm chasers.png Storm Chasers
    • AstrometeorologyWeather ExploitationClimate ModelingClimate Modeling Astrometeorology
      Astrometeorology Astrometeorology
      Weather Exploitation Weather Exploitation
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
    • Storm DevotionStorm Influencers Storm Devotion
      Storm Devotion Storm Devotion
      Storm Influencers Storm Influencers
Cosmic Storms.png
(unrecognized string “storm breaker coating” for Template:Icon) Storm Breaker Coating
This special coating charges the ship's exterior with a storm dampening field, leading to more efficient protection against storms.
5000 2 Unknown.png −100% Negative effects from cosmic storms on defense components
  • Tech ship hull storm breaker 1.png Storm Dampening Generators
Base: 85
  • ×2 if either:
    • Origin storm chasers.png Storm Chasers
    • AstrometeorologyWeather ExploitationClimate ModelingClimate Modeling Astrometeorology
      Astrometeorology Astrometeorology
      Weather Exploitation Weather Exploitation
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
    • Storm DevotionStorm Influencers Storm Devotion
      Storm Devotion Storm Devotion
      Storm Influencers Storm Influencers
  • ×0.5 Encountered fewer than 4 cosmic storms
Cosmic Storms.png
Tech ship storm weapons 1.png Payload Padding
A new approach to alloy use in military applications significantly reduces the ability of cosmic storms to interfere with energy weaponry and explosive payloads.
3000 1 Unknown.png −50% Negative effects from cosmic storms on weapon components
  • Cosmic Weather Models Cosmic Weather Models
  • Yes.png Encountered a cosmic storm
Base: 85
  • ×2 if either:
    • Origin storm chasers.png Storm Chasers
    • AstrometeorologyWeather ExploitationClimate ModelingClimate Modeling Astrometeorology
      Astrometeorology Astrometeorology
      Weather Exploitation Weather Exploitation
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
    • Storm DevotionStorm Influencers Storm Devotion
      Storm Devotion Storm Devotion
      Storm Influencers Storm Influencers
Cosmic Storms.png
(unrecognized string “tempest cage architecture” for Template:Icon) Tempest Cage Architecture
This novel approach to ship architecture will significantly reduce the negative effects cosmic storms have on our weapon systems.
5000 2 Unknown.png −100% Negative effects from cosmic storms on weapon components Cosmic Storms.png Cosmic Storms DLC
  • Tech ship hull storm breaker 1.png Storm Dampening Generators
Base: 85
  • ×2 if either:
    • Origin storm chasers.png Storm Chasers
    • AstrometeorologyWeather ExploitationClimate ModelingClimate Modeling Astrometeorology
      Astrometeorology Astrometeorology
      Weather Exploitation Weather Exploitation
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
      Climate Modeling Climate Modeling
    • Storm DevotionStorm Influencers Storm Devotion
      Storm Devotion Storm Devotion
      Storm Influencers Storm Influencers
  • ×0.5 Encountered fewer than 4 cosmic storms
Cosmic Storms.png

Event Materials technologiesEdit

The following technologies cannot be discovered by research draws and are added as permanent research options by events.

Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites DLC
Crystal-Infused Plating Crystal-Infused Plating
By infusing armor plating with Crystalline matter we are able to further increase the durability of our ships' protective hulls.
6000 2 Ship part crystal armor 1.png Crystal-Infused Plating Yes.png Crystalline entities outcome
Crystal-Forged Plating Crystal-Forged Plating
Introducing Crystalline matter into the forging process further improves the ultra-hard qualities of crystal-infused metals.
16000 4 Ship part crystal armor 2.png Crystal-Forged Plating Yes.png Destroying Crystal Nidus
Artificial Dragonscales Artificial Dragonscales
The Ether Drake's scales are made up of multiple layers of unique mineral nanostructures. Unorthodox manufacturing techniques allow us to closely emulate these self-repairing structures.
50000 5 Component Dragonscale Armor Leviathans.png
The Machine Age.png
Tech supreme alloy.png Supreme Alloy
What we thought was the greatest alloy turned out to be far from the truth. Countless pre-FTL refining processes have been cataloged, and we have now synthesized an unbearable metal.
6000 2
  • Envoy.png +0.25 Available Envoys
  • Alloys.png +0.50 Alloys from Metallurgists
Observation Insights situation First Contact
Tech cosmogenesis world.png Scalable Reservoir Computing
Colossal in scale, the Synaptic Lathe is a reservoir computer. The processing power of our population's networked minds is used to compute and store data. The benefits are obvious, but some misguided species may view the transmutation of individuals into computing chips as morally questionable.
32000 5 Fleet order button build megastructure.png Synaptic Lathe megastructure Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis ascension perk The Machine Age.png
Cetana's Nanites Cetana's Nanites
Cetana's advanced nanite systems will tirelessly repair and refresh our ships at a rate far beyond our current capabilities.
48000 5 Ship part nanite repair system synth queen.png Cetana's Nanite Repair System The Synthetic Queen debris The Machine Age.png
Asteroidal Carapace Asteroidal Carapace
The shell of a Cutholoid is not mineral alone, but reinforced with strong biological fibers. We can synthesize this process using advanced metallurgic techniques.
0 3 Ship part asteroidal carapace.png Asteroidal Carapace Grand Archive Cutholoids first contact option Grand Archive


The Propulsion Propulsion tech tree focuses on thruster, missile and kinetic ship components.

Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites Draw weight
Chemical Thrusters Chemical Thrusters
Simple yet moderately effective chemical thrusters that rely on combustible propellant to function.
0 Ship part thruster 1.png Chemical Thruster
Ion Thrusters Ion Thrusters
These electric thrusters use beams of ions to generate thrust without the need for propellant.
4000 2 Ship part thruster 2.png Ion Thruster Chemical Thrusters Chemical thrusters Base: 106.25
  • ×2 Destroyers Destroyers technology
Plasma Thrusters Plasma Thrusters
An advanced form of electric propulsion, plasma thrusters afford ships greater sublight speeds and maneuverability.
8000 3 Ship part thruster 3.png Plasma Thruster Ion Thrusters Ion Thrusters Base: 81.25
  • ×2 Cruisers Cruisers technology
Impulse Thrusters Impulse Thrusters
These highly advanced fusion-powered thrusters provide ships with unmatched maneuverability and speed under sublight conditions.
16000 4 Ship part thruster 4.png Impulse Thruster Plasma Thrusters Plasma Thrusters Base: 56.25
  • ×2 Battleships Battleships technology
Afterburners Afterburners
These powerful thrusters provide additional combat speed but consume a great deal of power.
2500 1 Ship part afterburners 1.png Afterburners Chemical Thrusters Chemical Thrusters Base: 118.75
  • ×2 Ion Thrusters Ion Thrusters technology
  • ×2 Plasma Thrusters Plasma Thrusters technology
Advanced Afterburners Advanced Afterburners
This improved version of the standard afterburners provide an even greater boost to a ship's combat speed.
10000 3 Ship part afterburners 2.png Advanced Afterburners
  • Afterburners Afterburners
  • Plasma Thrusters Plasma Thrusters

Base: 75

Flak Battery Flak Battery
Gun batteries that fire shrapnel rounds at close range. They are particularly lethal to enemy strike craft, but can also defend against missiles.
0 Component Flak Battery
Flak Cannons Flak Cannons
Upgraded flak batteries with new, more powerful shrapnel rounds.
6000 3 Component Flak Cannon Flak Battery Flak Battery

Base: 70

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Flak Artillery Flak Artillery
Predictive tracking algorithms and even more powerful rounds make these batteries incredibly lethal to enemy strike craft.
16000 4 Component Flak Artillery Flak Cannons Flak Cannons

Base: 45

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Tech missiles 1.png Nuclear Missiles
Space-to-space missiles equipped with high-yield nuclear warheads. Although based on old pre-space technology, these crude fire-and-forget weapons can be surprisingly effective at range.
  • Component Nuclear Missiles
Fusion Missiles Fusion Missiles
These updated space-to-space missiles have more powerful fusion warheads and improved flight performance.
2500 1 Component Fusion Missiles
  • Tech missiles 1.png Nuclear Missiles
  • Tech fusion power.png Fusion Power

Base: 95

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Antimatter Missiles Antimatter Missiles
Advanced missiles equipped with very powerful antimatter warheads. A new and improved guidance system gives them a better chance of finding their targets.
4000 2 Component Antimatter Missiles Fusion Missiles Fusion Missiles

Base: 85

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Quantum Missiles Quantum Missiles
The latest version of space-to-space missile, this upgraded variant has an immensely powerful warhead that draws its energy from a zero point vacuum.
8000 3 Component Quantum Missiles Antimatter Missiles Antimatter Missiles

Base: 65

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Tech missiles 5.png Marauder Missiles
These highly advanced missiles are equipped with limited onboard AI pilots that substantially improve their performance and ability to track targets.
20000 4 Component Marauder Missiles Quantum Missiles Quantum Missiles

Base: 40

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Swarmer Missiles Swarmer Missiles
These smaller missiles are launched in volleys and have been specifically designed to overwhelm enemy point-defense systems.
5000 2 Component Swarmer Missiles Fusion Missiles Fusion Missiles

Base: 75

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Tech swarmer missiles 2.png Whirlwind Missiles
New miniaturization techniques will allow us to equip swarmer missiles with more powerful warheads and improved flight performance.
20000 4 Component Whirlwind Missiles Swarmer Missiles Swarmer Missiles

Base: 40

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Space Torpedoes Space Torpedoes
These torpedoes are essentially very large, slow-moving missiles. They are equipped with more powerful warheads and shield modulators that let them slip unmolested through energy screens.
5000 1
  • Component Space Torpedoes
  • Frigate Frigate
  • Sb missile battery.png Torpedo Battery
  • Sb missile battery.png Planetary Defense Batteries
Corvettes Corvettes

Base: 75

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Armored Torpedoes Armored Torpedoes
Upgraded space torpedoes encased in armor, to better withstand enemy point-defense fire. The armor fragments into shards that cause additional damage when the torpedo detonates.
10000 3 Component Armored Torpedoes Space Torpedoes Space Torpedoes

Base: 60

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Devastator Torpedoes Devastator Torpedoes
Advanced torpedoes with very powerful warheads. They have a sleeker design, faster engines and upgraded shield modulators for slipping through energy screens.
20000 4 Component Devastator Torpedoes Armored Torpedoes Armored Torpedoes Base: 40
  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Tech mass drivers 1.png Mass Drivers
These electromagnetic projectile launchers use magnets to accelerate armor-piercing rounds towards targets at high speeds.
  • Component Mass Driver
  • Sb gun battery.png Gun Battery
  • Sb gun battery.png Planetary Defense Guns
Coilguns Coilguns
Coilguns are more powerful versions of the early mass drivers, using electromagnetic coils to rapidly accelerate projectiles towards targets.
2500 1 Component Coilgun Tech mass drivers 1.png Mass Drivers

Base: 95

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Railguns Railguns
The latest in electromagnetic accelerators, railguns use twin parallel rails to fire projectiles at incredible speeds.
4000 2 Component Railgun Coilguns Coilguns

Base: 85

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Advanced Railguns Advanced Railguns
A new version of the venerable railgun, with sturdier rails and an enhanced power supply. These weapons are even more powerful and accurate than their predecessors.
8000 3 Component Advanced Railgun Railguns Railguns

Base: 65

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Tech mass drivers 5.png Gauss Cannons
This updated version of the old coilgun design is even more destructive than the latest railgun designs. It is capable of launching projectiles with incredible accuracy and speed.
16000 4 Component Gauss Cannon Advanced Railguns Advanced Railguns

Base: 45

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Kinetic Battery Kinetic Battery
Very long-range artillery capable of hurling powerful rounds over extreme distances with a large degree of accuracy.
12000 3 Component Kinetic Battery Advanced Railguns Advanced Railguns Base: 50
  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Kinetic Artillery Kinetic Artillery
An even more powerful long-range, ship-based artillery cannon, equipped with a new barrel and an upgraded fire control computer.
20000 4 Component Kinetic Artillery
  • Tech mass drivers 5.png Gauss Cannons
  • Kinetic Battery Kinetic Battery

Base: 40

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Tech mass accelerator 1.png Mega Cannon
An enormous mass accelerator cannon that can only be placed in a spinal mount and fires monstrously powerful rounds over vast distances.
20000 4

Component Mega Cannon

  • Battleships Battleships
  • Advanced Railguns Advanced Railguns

Base: 40

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Tech mass accelerator 2.png Giga Cannon
An even more powerful mass accelerator cannon that can rip through even the toughest shields.
24000 4 Component Giga Cannon
  • Tech mass drivers 5.png Gauss Cannons
  • Tech mass accelerator 1.png Mega Cannon

Base: 35

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Autocannons Autocannons
Large-caliber ballistic weapons that fire cased explosive shells. The main advantage of these cannons is their high rate of fire.
5000 2 Component Autocannon Coilguns Coilguns

Base: 75

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Ripper Cannons Ripper Cannons
These upgraded rotary autocannons feature improved tracking and fire control systems. This allows them to maintain an even higher rate of fire.
8000 3 Component Ripper Autocannon Autocannons Autocannons

Base: 65

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Stormfire Cannons Stormfire Cannons
Advanced rotary autocannons capable of spewing a cloud of high-explosive shells at a target.
16000 4 Component Stormfire Autocannon Ripper Cannons Ripper Cannons

Base: 45

  • ×1.5 Fanatic militarist.png Fanatic Militarist
  • ×1.25 Militarist.png Militarist
Tech repeatable weapon type explosive damage.png Thermodynamic Yield Control
With the chemical reaction tightly controlled by missile-board microprocessors, warhead detonations can be tuned for maximum effect for local conditions at the time of impact.
50000 5 Mod ship damage mult.png +5% Explosive Weapon Damage Antimatter Missiles Antimatter Missiles Base: 12.5
  • ×0.01 another repeatable tech was drawn
Tech repeatable weapon type explosive fire rate.png Miniaturized Pre-Igniters
Advances in miniaturization allow for more rapid loading and discharging of rocket-propelled payloads.
50000 5 Attack speed +5% Explosive Weapon Attack Speed Antimatter Missiles Antimatter Missiles Base: 12.5
  • ×0.01 another repeatable tech was drawn
Tech repeatable weapon type kinetic damage.png High-Density Munitions
Ultra-dense slugs can punch through even the strongest of projected shields.
50000 5 Mod ship damage mult.png +5% Kinetic Weapon Damage Railguns Railguns Base: 12.5
  • ×0.01 another repeatable tech was drawn
Tech repeatable weapon type kinetic fire rate.png Loader Efficiency
Minor technical advances combine with improved shipboard routines for handling munitions to provide a noticeable boost in fire rate.
50000 5 Attack speed +5% Kinetic Weapon Attack Speed Railguns Railguns Base: 12.5
  • ×0.01 another repeatable tech was drawn

Event Propulsion technologiesEdit

The following technologies cannot be discovered by research draws and are added as permanent research options by events.

Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites DLC
Dark Matter Propulsion Dark Matter Propulsion
These thrusters utilize Dark Matter technology to generate propulsion in a manner that appears to defy numerous laws of physics.
50000 5 Ship part thruster 5.png Dark Matter Thrusters
  • Impulse Thrusters Impulse Thrusters
  • Either:
    • Yes.png Analyzed Fallen empire debris
    • Dark Matter Breakthrough Dark Matter Breakthrough agenda
    • Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 2
Tech nanite autocannon.png Nanite Autocannon
Highly advanced autocannons capable of ejecting shells that explode into a cloud of nanites at the target, overwhelming shields and chewing through hull sections.
48000 5 Tech nanite autocannon.png Nanite Autocannon
  • Either:
    • Distant Stars.png Scavenger Bot debris
    • Flood of Supremacy Flood of Supremacy tradition
    • Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 5
Distant Stars.png
The Machine Age.png
Tech nanite flak batteries.png Nanite Flak Battery
Improving upon previous designs by launching canisters of nanites capable of eating away at strike craft, these flak batteries are the bane of any fighter pilot.
48000 5 Tech nanite flak batteries.png Nanite Flak Battery
  • Either:
    • Distant Stars.png Scavenger Bot debris
    • Flood of Supremacy Flood of Supremacy tradition
    • Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 5
Distant Stars.png
The Machine Age.png
Tech orbital trash dispersal.png Orbital Trash Dispersal
This orbital bombardment management system spams a planet with millions of minute, high-velocity projectiles, overwhelming planetside defensive grids with trash data. Ships equipped with this component will cause more damage during orbital bombardment.
8000 1 Ship part orbital trash dispersal.png Orbital Trash Disperser Caravan deal MegaCorp.png
Tech ordered retreat.png Ordered Retreat
While studying the victors of battles might be the most obvious way to gain insight from combat, observing the loser on pre-FTL worlds has taught us how to organize our withdraws more effectively.
6000 2
  • Envoy.png +0.25 Available Envoys
  • Time −15% Time spent Missing In Action
Observation Insights situation First Contact
Tech temple of transportation.png Temple of Transportation
Transportation networks bring people together: a sentiment shared by many civilization we observed. While we do not have steam engines, our hyper relay networks could serve a similar purpose.
6000 2
  • Envoy.png +0.25 Available Envoys
  • Unity.png +3 Unity from Hyper Relays
Observation Insights situation First Contact
(unrecognized string “boarding cables” for Template:Icon) Boarding Cables
Repurposed small-caliber artillery that fire piercing hooks attached to resilient carbon fiber cables, perfect for immobilizing and boarding enemy ships.
8000 1 Ship part boarding cables.png Boarding Cables Defeating the Black Needle Grand Archive


The Voidcraft.png Voidcraft tech tree focuses on ships and spaceborne structures.

Structure technologiesEdit

The following technologies unlock and boost spaceborne structures.

Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites Draw weight DLC
Deep Space Defenses Deep Space Defenses
This will enable the construction of defensive deep space platforms to protect our Starbases.
0 Station class Defense Platform Tech starbase 1.png Starbase Construction
Tech solar panel network.png Orbital Energy Conversion
Advances in solar panel technology could offset the operating costs of our starbases. The panels would require an entire starbase module to generate enough energy, however.
0 Solar Panel Network.png Solar Panel Network
  • Gestalt consciousness.png Gestalt Consciousness
  • Starport Starport
Tech starbase 1.png Starbase Construction
A centralized space installation built in close orbit around the system primary is necessary to make full use of the resources in a star system.
0 Spaceport 1.png Outpost Tech space construction.png Offworld Construction
Starport Starport
The earliest starbases were little more than makeshift outposts. Permanent starports will enable us to maintain a firmer grip on star systems.
0 Spaceport 1.png Starport Tech starbase 1.png Starbase Construction
Starhold Starhold
As space traffic increases, larger and more defensible starbases are needed to maintain control over system spacelanes.
5000 2 Spaceport 1.png Starhold Starport Starport Base: 75
  • ×10 a neighbor has the tech
  • ×5 at least 3 Starports
  • ×4 year is >2240
  • ×3 year is >2235
  • ×2 year is >2230
  • ×10 Impenetrable Border agenda finished
  • ×1.25 adopted the Unyielding Unyielding tradition tree
  • ×0.1 year is <2220
Star Fortress Star Fortress
These mighty space forts will provide a focal point for all military activity in a star system, and their presence is sure to deter all but the most stubborn attackers.
10000 3
  • Spaceport 1.png Star Fortress
  • Fleet order button build megastructure.png Orbital Ring tier 2
Starhold Starhold Base: 60
  • ×10 a neighbor has the tech
  • ×5 at least 3 Starholds
  • ×4 year is >2270
  • ×3 year is >2265
  • ×2 year is >2260
  • ×5 Impenetrable Border agenda finished
  • ×1.25 adopted the Unyielding Unyielding tradition tree
  • ×0.1 year is <2250
Engineering research Citadel
Plans for an immense battlestation capable of holding its own against several strike fleets are now being drawn up. If realized, these citadels will become monuments to greatness as much as system hubs.
20000 4
  • Spaceport 1.png Citadel
  • Fleet order button build megastructure.png Orbital Ring tier 3
Star Fortress Star Fortress Base: 40
  • ×10 a neighbor has the tech
  • ×5 at least 3 Star Fortresses
  • ×4 year is >2300
  • ×3 year is >2295
  • ×2 year is >2290
  • ×5 Impenetrable Border agenda finished
  • ×1.25 adopted the Unyielding Unyielding tradition tree
  • ×0.1 year is <2270
Tech defense platform hull 1.png Improved Structural Integrity
A reinforced framework and blast shields with enhanced impact absorption will ensure the structural integrity of the platform even under immense pressure.
5000 2 Health +10% Defense platform hull points Starhold Starhold Base: 37.5
  • ×1.5 Eager Explorers Eager Explorers civic
  • ×1.5 Specialist subject bulwark.png Bulwark subject
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
Tech repeatable improved military station health.png Fortified Core Layers
Additional layers of armor plating within the structure itself improves the resilience of Military Stations.
50000 5 Defense platform hull points +10% Defense platform hull points Tech defense platform hull 1.png Improved Structural Integrity Base: 12.5
  • ×0.01 another repeatable tech was drawn
Tech repeatable improved military station damage.png Synchronized Firing Patterns
Cross-linking weapon systems to fire in staggered volleys improves the actual damage output of Military Stations over time.
50000 5 Defense platform damage +10% Defense platform damage Tech defense platform hull 1.png Improved Structural Integrity Base: 12.5
  • ×0.01 another repeatable tech was drawn
Tech modular engineering.png Modular Engineering
Streamlined starbase construction procedures, using modular designs, will halve the present build cost and time.
6000 2
  • Mod spaceport module cost mult.png −25% Starbase building build cost
  • Mod spaceport module cost mult.png −25% Starbase module build cost
Starhold Starhold Base: 35
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.5 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers
Auth machine intelligence.png Optimized Station Construction
The creation of a dedicated naval engineering corps will greatly benefit the construction of deep space defense platforms, decreasing building costs and increasing durability.
12000 3
  • Mod starbase upgrade cost.png −15% Starbase upgrade cost
  • Mod starbase upgrade time mult.png +25% Starbase upgrade speed
  • Tech modular engineering.png Modular Engineering
  • Star Fortress Star Fortress
Base: 25
  • ×1.5 Specialist subject bulwark.png Bulwark subject
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×1.25 Militarist.pngFanatic militarist.png Militarist
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
Tech orbital ring tier 1.png Orbital Rings
Allows the construction of massive, band-shaped starbases in stable orbit around colonized planets.
10000 3 Tech orbital ring tier 1.png Orbital Ring construction
  • Starhold Starhold
  • Tech galactic administration.png Galactic Administration
  • Ceramo-Metal Infrastructure Ceramo-Metal Infrastructure
Base: 60
  • ×10 a neighbor has the tech
  • ×5 at least 3 Starholds
  • ×4 year is >2270
  • ×3 year is >2265
  • ×2 year is >2260
  • ×1.25 adopted the Expansion Expansion tradition tree
  • ×1.25 finished the Expansion Expansion tradition tree
  • ×0.1 year is <2250
Tech habitat.png Orbital Habitats
Allows the construction of largely self-sustaining Orbital Habitats.
10000 3
  • Build menu habitat central complex.png Habitat construction
  • Build menu major orbital.png Major Orbital construction
  • Build menu minor orbital.png Minor Orbital construction
  • Either:
  • EitherUtopia.png Utopia DLC
  • EitherOrigin void dwellers.png Void Dwellers
  • EitherOrigins toxic knights.png Knights of the Toxic God
  • Starhold Starhold
Base: 60
  • ×10 a neighbor has the tech
  • ×5 at least 3 Starholds
  • ×4 year is >2270
  • ×3 year is >2265
  • ×2 year is >2260
  • ×1.25 adopted the Expansion Expansion tradition tree
  • ×1.25 finished the Expansion Expansion tradition tree
  • ×0.1 year is <2250
Tech habitat 2.png Habitat Expansion
Our early habitats were primitive things compared to the efficient designs we can now develop.
20000 4 Habitat Central Control Habitat Central Control
  • Utopia.png Utopia DLC or Origin void dwellers.png Void Dwellers
  • Tech habitat.png Orbital Habitats
  • Star Fortress Star Fortress
  • Planet habitat.png Habitat colonized
Base: 35
  • ×10 Origin void dwellers.png Void Dwellers origin
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
Advanced Space Habitation Advanced Space Habitation
Years of improvements to our orbital Habitats have led us to create newer more effective designs.
40000 4 Habitat System Contro Habitat System Control
  • Utopia.png Utopia DLC or Origin void dwellers.png Void Dwellers
  • Tech habitat 2.png Habitat Expansion
  • Engineering research Citadel
  • Planet habitat.png Habitat colonized
Base: 35
  • ×10 Origin void dwellers.png Void Dwellers origin
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
Tech mega engineering.png Mega-Engineering
To complete constructing projects of truly staggering scales we must first achieve a fundamental understanding of both the engineering and resource storage requirements for such megastructures.
48000 5
  • Engineering research Citadel
  • Battleships Battleships
  • Tech zero point power.png Zero Point Power
Base: 5
  • ×1.5 council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait hyper focus.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngHyper Focus Hyper Focus trait
  • ×20 with any megastructure (in any condition) within borders or Origins shattered ring.png Shattered Ring origin
  • ×2 Any habitat colony
  • ×1.5 if any neighbour has the tech
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×1.5 per owned Starhold (up to ×9 with 6)
  • ×1.5 per owned Citadel (up to ×9 with 6)
L-Gate Insight L-Gate Insight
Intensive study within the fields of nanomachinery and subspace phenomena will eventually yield a new L-Gate Insight into the Disabled L-Gate mystery..
2000 2 Unknown.png +1 L-Gate Insights
  • L-gate map icon.png Encountered an L-Gate
  • No.png L-Gates opened
Base: 70
  • ×0.01 if another repeatable tech was drawn
Distant Stars.png

Ship technologiesEdit

The following technologies unlock and boost ships and unlock ship components.

Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites Draw weight DLC
Tech space exploration.png Space Exploration
The Science Ship is used as a base of operations for a top Scientist, ready to explore the vastness of space.
  • Station class Science Ship
  • Fleet task auto explore.png Automatic Surveying
Tech assault armies.png Interplanetary Expeditionary Forces
The invasion of another world is a staggering enterprise. There are immense logistical challenges that must be overcome before we can muster our first interplanetary armies.
0 Army assault.png Assault Army Tech planetary defenses.png Planetary Defenses
Corvettes Corvettes
The Corvette is the most basic military ship, armed and ready in the event of hostile contacts.
1000 0 Corvette Corvette Starport Starport Base: 1000
Destroyers Destroyers
While larger than Corvettes, Destroyer hull configurations still make for comparatively nimble gunboats.
4000 2
  • Fleet size.png +10 Fleet command limit
  • Destroyer Destroyer
Corvettes Corvettes Base: 85
  • ×10 a neighbor has the tech
  • ×4 year is >2230
  • ×3 year is >2220
  • ×2 year is >2215
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×0.1 year is <2210
Cruisers Cruisers
Originally devised as an experimental next-generation colony ship hull configuration, the design's ample hardpoints made it ideal for carrying heavy weapons ordnance.
8000 3
  • Fleet size.png +10 Fleet command limit
  • Cruiser Cruiser
Destroyers Destroyers Base: 65
  • ×10 a neighbor has the tech
  • ×4 year is >2240
  • ×3 year is >2235
  • ×2 year is >2230
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×0.1 year is <2220
Battleships Battleships
The largest of the standard military vessels, Battleships are traditionally heavily armored and sport several gun batteries.
16000 4
  • Fleet size.png +10 Fleet command limit
  • Battleship Battleship
Cruisers Cruisers Base: 45
  • ×10 a neighbor has the tech
  • ×4 year is >2270
  • ×3 year is >2265
  • ×2 year is >2260
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×0.1 year is <2250
Titans Titans
Modeled after the hulking shadows looming in the core systems of Stagnant Ascendancies, the Titan class can be outfitted with X-size weapons.
32000 5
  • Fleet size.png +10 Fleet command limit
  • Spaceport 1.png Ion Cannon defense platform
  • Titan Titan
  • Sb titan assembly yard.png Titan Assembly Yards
  • Battleships Battleships
Base: 30
  • ×10 a neighbor has the tech
  • ×4 year is >2350
  • ×3 year is >2340
  • ×2 year is >2330
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×0.1 year is <2300
Core Cracking Core Cracking
A directed feed of thermic energy superheats the atmosphere and agitates the planet's core, setting up disastrous tectonic events. A final and comparatively minute concussive blast is then delivered, cracking the planet open.
48000 5 Ship part world cracker.png World Cracker colossus weapon
  • Colossi Colossi
  • Colossus Project Completed the Colossus Project
  • No.pngPacifist.pngFanatic pacifist.png Pacifist
Base: 10
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait hyper focus.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngHyper Focus Hyper Focus trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Atmospheric Nanobot Dispersal Atmospheric Nanobot Dispersal
Swarms of nanobots are dispersed in the atmosphere. They infect sapient beings and restructure themselves into cybernetic implants, turning their unwitting hosts into cyborgs slaved to the Machine Intelligence.
48000 5 Ship part nanobot diffuser.png Nanobot Diffuser colossus weapon
  • Colossi Colossi
  • Colossus Project Completed the Colossus Project
  • Driven Assimilator Driven Assimilator
Base: 10
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait hyper focus.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngHyper Focus Hyper Focus trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Tech juggernaut.png Juggernaut
A mobile space base of unparalleled proportions, the Juggernaut ship takes offensive warfare to a whole new level.
48000 5
  • Juggernaut Juggernaut
  • Sb colossus assembly yard.png Colossal Assembly Yards
  • Battleships Battleships
  • Engineering research Citadel
Base: 20
  • ×1.5 council scientist with either:
  • ×1.25 Titans Titans technology
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait hyper focus.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngHyper Focus Hyper Focus trait
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
Carrier Operations Carrier Operations
These manned strike craft are launched from a mothership and rely on their speed and small size to survive long enough to punch through enemy defenses.
3000 1
  • Component Basic Strike Craft
  • Sb hangar bay.png Hangar Bay
  • Sb hangar bay.png Planetary Defense Hangars
Starport Starport Base: 90
Tech strike craft 2.png Improved Strike Craft
The next generation of strike craft, featuring improved avionics, better handling characteristics and more powerful armaments.
6000 2 Component Improved Strike Craft Carrier Operations Carrier Operations Base: 70
Advanced Strike Craft Advanced Strike Craft
A further refinement in strike craft design, these advanced strike craft are a pilot's dream. Their performance far exceeds that of previous models.
12000 3 Component Advanced Strike Craft Tech strike craft 2.png Improved Strike Craft Base: 50

Ship stat technologiesEdit

The following technologies affect ship build cost, build speed, and stats. They cannot be researched by empires with the
BeastmastersSpace RanchersWild SwarmBiodrones Beastmasters
Beastmasters Beastmasters
Space Ranchers Space Ranchers
Wild Swarm Wild Swarm
Biodrones Biodrones
Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites Draw weight DLC
Tech corvette build speed.png Standardized Corvette Patterns
Establishing new standards for the modeling and construction of corvettes greatly improves the efficiency of the production pipeline.
2500 1
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png −5% Corvette build cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult.png +25% Corvette build speed
  • Mod ship build speed mult.png +25% Frigate build speed
Corvettes Corvettes Base: 95
Tech destroyer build speed.png Standardized Destroyer Patterns
Establishing new standards for the modeling and construction of destroyers greatly improves the efficiency of the production pipeline.
5000 2
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png −5% Destroyer build cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult.png +25% Destroyer build speed
Destroyers Destroyers Base: 75
Tech cruiser build speed.png Standardized Cruiser Patterns
Establishing new standards for the modeling and construction of cruisers greatly improves the efficiency of the production pipeline.
10000 3
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png −5% Cruiser build cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult.png +25% Cruiser build speed
Cruisers Cruisers Base: 60
Tech battleship build speed.png Standardized Battleship Patterns
Establishing new standards for how we design and construct massive battleships greatly improves the speed at which they can be assembled.
20000 4
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png −5% Battleship build cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult.png +25% Battleship build speed
Battleships Battleships Base: 40
Tech corvette hull 1.png Improved Corvette Hulls
Advances in building techniques will allow for the construction of sturdier and more durable corvettes.
3000 1
  • Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Corvette hull points
  • Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Frigate hull points
Corvettes Corvettes Base: 90
Tech destroyer hull 1.png Improved Destroyer Hulls
Advances in building techniques will allow for the construction of sturdier and more durable destroyers.
6000 2 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Destroyer hull points Destroyers Destroyers Base: 70
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
Tech cruiser hull 1.png Improved Cruiser Hulls
Advances in building techniques will allow for the construction of sturdier and more durable cruisers.
12000 3 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Cruiser hull points Cruisers Cruisers Base: 50
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
Tech battleship hull 1.png Improved Battleship Hulls
Advances in building techniques will allow for the construction of sturdier and more durable battleships.
24000 4 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Battleship hull points Battleships Battleships Base: 35
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
Tech titan hull 1.png Improved Titan Hulls
Advances in building techniques will allow for the construction of sturdier and more durable titans.
40000 5 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Titan hull points Titans Titans Base: 25
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Advanced Corvette Hulls Advanced Corvette Hulls
The latest generation of corvette hulls have optimized structural integrity fields and improved bulkheads.
6000 2
  • Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Corvette hull points
  • Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Frigate hull points
Tech corvette hull 1.png Improved Corvette Hulls Base: 70
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Advanced Destroyer Hulls Advanced Destroyer Hulls
The latest generation of destroyer hulls have optimized structural integrity fields and improved bulkheads.
8000 3 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Destroyer hull points Tech destroyer hull 1.png Improved Destroyer Hulls Base: 65
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Advanced Cruiser Hulls Advanced Cruiser Hulls
The latest generation of cruiser hulls have optimized structural integrity fields and improved bulkheads.
16000 4 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Cruiser hull points Tech cruiser hull 1.png Improved Cruiser Hulls Base: 45
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Advanced Battleship Hulls Advanced Battleship Hulls
The latest generation of battleship hulls have optimized structural integrity fields and improved bulkheads.
32000 5 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Battleship hull points Tech battleship hull 1.png Improved Battleship Hulls Base: 30
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Advanced Titan Hulls Advanced Titan Hulls
The latest generation of titan hulls have optimized structural integrity fields and improved bulkheads.
48000 5 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Titan hull points Tech titan hull 1.png Improved Titan Hulls Base: 20
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait

Beastmasters technologiesEdit

The following technologies affect space fauna cloning cost, cloning speed, and stats. They can only be researched by empires with the
BeastmastersSpace RanchersWild SwarmBiodrones Beastmasters
Beastmasters Beastmasters
Space Ranchers Space Ranchers
Wild Swarm Wild Swarm
Biodrones Biodrones
Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites Draw weight DLC
(unrecognized string “standardized small-scale cloning” for Template:Icon) Standardized Small-Scale Cloning
Establishing new standards for the cloning and nurturing of Small Space Fauna greatly improves the efficiency of the reproduction pipeline.
2500 1
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png −5% Small space fauna cloning cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult.png +25% Small space fauna cloning speed
Corvettes Corvettes Base: 95 Grand Archive
(unrecognized string “standardized medium-scale cloning” for Template:Icon) Standardized Medium-Scale Cloning
Establishing new standards for the cloning and nurturing of Medium Space Fauna greatly improves the efficiency of the reproduction pipeline.
5000 2
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png −5% Medium space fauna cloning cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult.png +25% Medium space fauna cloning Speed
Destroyers Destroyers Base: 75 Grand Archive
(unrecognized string “standardized large-scale cloning” for Template:Icon) Standardized Medium-Scale Cloning
Establishing new standards for the cloning and nurturing of Large Space Fauna greatly improves the efficiency of the reproduction pipeline.
10000 3
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png −5% Large space fauna cloning cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult.png +25% Large space fauna cloning speed
Cruisers Cruisers Base: 60 Grand Archive
(unrecognized string “standardized huge-scale cloning” for Template:Icon) Standardized Medium-Scale Cloning
Establishing new standards for the cloning and nurturing of Huge Space Fauna greatly improves the efficiency of the reproduction pipeline.
20000 4
  • Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png −5% Huge space fauna cloning cost
  • Mod ship build speed mult.png +25% Huge space Fauna cloning speed
Battleships Battleships Base: 40 Grand Archive
Improved Small Space Fauna Tissues Improved Small Space Fauna Tissues
Advances in cloning techniques will allow for the creation of sturdier and more durable Small Space Fauna.
3000 1 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Small space fauna hull points Corvettes Corvettes Base: 90 Grand Archive
Improved Medium Space Fauna Tissues Improved Medium Space Fauna Tissues
Advances in cloning techniques will allow for the creation of sturdier and more durable Medium Space Fauna.
6000 2 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Medium space fauna hull points Destroyers Destroyers Base: 70
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
Grand Archive
Improved Large Space Fauna Tissues Improved Large Space Fauna Tissues
Advances in cloning techniques will allow for the creation of sturdier and more durable Large Space Fauna.
12000 3 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Large space fauna hull points Cruisers Cruisers Base: 50
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
Grand Archive
Improved Huge Space Fauna Tissues Improved Huge Space Fauna Tissues
Advances in cloning techniques will allow for the creation of sturdier and more durable Huge Space Fauna.
24000 4 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Huge space fauna hull points Battleships Battleships Base: 35
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
Grand Archive
Improved Gigantic Space Fauna Tissues Improved Gigantic Space Fauna Tissues
Advances in cloning techniques will allow for the creation of sturdier and more durable Gigantic Space Fauna.
40000 5 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Gigantic space fauna hull points Titans Titans Base: 25
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Grand Archive
Advanced Small Space Fauna Tissues Advanced Small Space Fauna Tissues
We have pushed the limits of Small Space Fauna tissue strength to its known maximum.
6000 2 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Small space fauna hull points Tech small space fauna hull 1.png Improved Small Space Fauna Tissues Base: 70
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Grand Archive
Advanced Medium Space Fauna Tissues Advanced Medium Space Fauna Tissues
We have pushed the limits of Medium Space Fauna tissue strength to its known maximum.
8000 3 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Medium space fauna hull points Tech medium space fauna hull 1.png Improved Medium Space Fauna Tissues Base: 65
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Grand Archive
Advanced Large Space Fauna Tissues Advanced Large Space Fauna Tissues
We have pushed the limits of Large Space Fauna tissue strength to its known maximum.
16000 4 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Large space fauna hull points Tech large space fauna hull 1.png Improved Large Space Fauna Tissues Base: 45
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Grand Archive
Advanced Huge Space Fauna Tissues Advanced Huge Space Fauna Tissues
We have pushed the limits of Huge Space Fauna tissue strength to its known maximum.
32000 5 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Huge space fauna hull points Tech extra large space fauna hull 1.png Improved Huge Space Fauna Tissues Base: 30
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Grand Archive
Advanced Gigantic Space Fauna Tissues Advanced Gigantic Space Fauna Tissues
We have pushed the limits of Gigantic Space Fauna tissue strength to its known maximum.
48000 5 Mod ship hitpoints add.png +10% Gigantic space fauna hull points Tech titanic space fauna hull 1.png Improved Gigantic Space Fauna Tissues Base: 20
  • ×1.25 adopted the Supremacy Supremacy tradition tree
  • ×2 Scientific Inspiration Scientific Inspiration federation perk and another member has the technology
  • ×1.5 Technological Ascendancy Technological Ascendancy perk
  • ×1.1
    Dimensional WorshipDimensional Enterprise Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Worship Dimensional Worship
    Dimensional Enterprise Dimensional Enterprise
  • ×0.25 no council scientist with either:
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait curator.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngCurator Curator trait
    • Leader trait bg basic.pngLeader trait spark of genius.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngSpark of Genius Spark of Genius trait
    • Leader trait bg engineering.pngLeader trait overlay veteran.pngLeader trait expertise voidcraft.pngLeader trait overlay councilor.pngExpertise: voidcraft Expertise: Voidcraft trait
Grand Archive

Event Voidcraft technologiesEdit

The following technologies cannot be discovered by research draws and are added as permanent research options by events.

Technology Cost Tier Effects / unlocks Prerequisites DLC
Tech nanite repair system.png Nanite Repair System
A highly effective hull auto-repair system comprised of billions of microscopic nanomachines was found among the smoking remains of the Scavenger, and has been repurposed for our uses. Whether the Scavenger pilfered this system from an ancient derelict, or was originally constructed with it remains unknown.
48000 5 Ship part nanite repair system.png Nanite Repair System
  • Either:
    • Distant Stars.png Scavenger Bot debris
    • Flood of Supremacy Flood of Supremacy tradition
    • Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 5
Distant Stars.png
The Machine Age.png
Ring World Ring World
A Ring World allows for multiple planet-like zones, cannibalizing all other planets in the system for materials.
48000 5 Fleet order button build megastructure.png Ring World megastructure Galactic Wonders Galactic Wonders ascension perk Utopia.png
Colossi Colossi
Advances in mega-engineering make blur the lines between reality and the fantastical, enabling the construction of Colossus-class military vessels that carry weapons capable of obliterating - or fundamentally altering - entire worlds, with the push of a button.
48000 5
  • Colossus Colossus
  • Sb colossus assembly yard.png Colossal Assembly Yards
Colossus Project Colossus Project ascension perk Apocalypse.png
Atmospheric Nanobot Dispersal Star Cracker
A beam of directed tachyon energy is fired into the star, triggering a supernova. The incredible energy released by this event is then used to generate vast quantities of dark matter.
0 5 Star-Eater Star-Eater Galactic Nemesis Galactic Nemesis level 5 Nemesis.png
Tech strike craft skrand.png Skravird Strike Craft
Learning from the design expertise of Skrand and his people, these superior strike craft are capable of prolonged engagement and highly adaptive tactics.
24000 4 Component Skravird Strike Craft Skrand Sharpbeak storyline events Galactic Paragons.png
Riddle Escort Riddle Escort
A starship of modest size that optimizes our knowledge of spacetime to enact dimensional transcendentalism, making the inside bigger than its outward shape suggests. Advanced firepower capabilities come at a reduced logistical cost compared to traditional ship designs.
50000 5
  • Riddle Escort Riddle Escort
Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 2 The Machine Age.png
Enigma Battlecruiser Enigma Battlecruiser
Another optimized spacecraft, this time of larger dimensions, will make current Battleships look like toys.
50000 5
  • Enigma Battlecruiser Enigma Battlecruiser
Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 3 The Machine Age.png
Tech cosmogenesis FE titan.png Paradox Titan
These formidable ships are closer to mobile fortresses than anything else, and only the most brutal assaults have a chance to damage them.
50000 5
  • Paradox Titan Paradox Titan
  • Sb titan assembly yard.png Titan Assembly Yards
Cosmogenesis Cosmogenesis level 4 The Machine Age.png


Game concepts
Exploration ExplorationFTLUnique systemsL-ClusterPre-FTL speciesFallen empireSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodies Celestial bodyColonizationPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
Discovery DiscoveryAnomalyArchaeological siteAstral riftRelicsCollection
Species SpeciesPop modificationBiological traitsMachine traitsPopulationSpecies rightsEthics
Leaders LeaderCommon leader traitsCommander traitsOfficial traitsScientist traitsParagons
Governance EmpireOriginGovernmentCivicsCouncilAgendasPoliciesEdictsFactionsTraditionsAscension perksSituations
Economy ResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
Buildings Planet capitalCommon buildingsUnique buildingsHoldings
Ships ShipShip designerCore componentsWeapon componentsUtility componentsMutationsOffensive mutations
Technology TechnologyPhysics researchSociety researchEngineering research
Diplomacy DiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
Warfare WarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseCrisis
Others EventsThe ShroudPreset empiresAI playersStat modifiersConsole commandsEaster eggs