Official traits
This page lists traits specific to the Official class and its sub-classes only. For common traits please see leader traits.
Traits represent the background and characteristics of a leader. Most traits have multiple tiers and can be upgraded. The way in which leaders gain or upgrade traits depends on whether the
Galactic Paragons DLC is enabled:
Common traitsEdit
The following traits can be obtained by all officials.
Councilor traitsEdit
The following traits apply their effects empire-wide if the leader is part of the empire council. Some of them are available for the starting ruler in the empire creation menu.
Non-DLC traitsEdit
The following traits be can be randomly gained at level-up if the Galactic Paragons DLC is not enabled. They are used differently if the DLC is enabled.
Trait | Effects | Description | DLC behavior |
This leader is naturally interested in the sciences and seeks to foster a curiosity about the natural world in their subjects.
The trait is present on some paragons, which is the only way it can be used with the DLC active. | ||
Frontier Spirit | This leader yearns to colonize and claim distant systems.
The trait is replaced by a veteran class variant. |
Veteran traitsEdit
With the Galactic Paragons DLC, leaders that reach skill level 4 can select a veteran class, which will unlock a pool of veteran traits selectable on the next level-ups. Without the Galactic Paragons DLC, leaders do not use veteran classes, but can randomly gain some of these traits at level-up if their requirements are met.
Delegate traitsEdit
The following traits are unlocked by the Delegate veteran class.
Federation traitsEdit
Federation traits apply their effects if the official is assigned to the empire's federation.
Without the Galactic Paragons DLC, they can be gained randomly upon level-up if the empire is a member of a federation.
Focus traitsEdit
Focus traits apply their effects if the official is assigned to the Galactic Community. They will increase the voting strength for certain categories of resolutions, including the proposals to repeal them. When supporting resolutions, they will also give a chance to gain favors from the proposing empire when the resolution passes.
Without the Galactic Paragons DLC, they can be gained randomly upon level-up if the empire is a member of the Galactic Community.
Level | Effect |
Industrialist traitsEdit
The following traits are unlocked by the Industrialist veteran class. They apply their effects when governing a planet or sector. Effects are halved on other planets in the assigned sector.
They cannot be gained without the Galactic Paragons DLC.
Advisor traitsEdit
The following traits are unlocked by the Advisor veteran class. They apply their effects empire-wide if the leader is assigned to the empire council.
Without the Galactic Paragons DLC, some of them can be gained randomly upon level-up if their requirements are met.
Ambassador traitsEdit
The following traits are unlocked by the Ambassador veteran class. They apply their effects empire-wide if the leader is assigned to the empire council. Many of them are not available to Genocidal empires.
Without the Galactic Paragons DLC, some of them can be gained randomly upon level-up if their requirements are met.
Destiny traitsEdit
With Galactic Paragons DLC, leaders that reach skill level 8 can selected a destiny trait. Gestalt Consciousness leaders, and paragons that started with a destiny trait cannot gain a destiny trait, and have to gain or upgrade a veteran trait instead.
Special traitsEdit
The following traits can only be obtained by events or special leaders. They apply their effects when governing a planet or sector. Effects are halved on other planets in the assigned sector.
Prospectorium traitsEdit
Available only with the Overlord DLC enabled. |
One of the following traits is present on every official recruited from the leader pool of a tier 2 Prospectorium.
Trait | Effects | Description |
Prospectorium Extractor | Energy, alloys, and minerals all empower our ambitions. Extractors maximize their acquisition.
| |
Prospectorium Optimizer | −15% Upkeep from jobs (−7.5%) | Keeping a populace healthy and productive requires resources, and optimizers are ideally suited to manage them.
Prospectorium Refiner | Refiners have the rarefied expertise necessary to improve our acquisition of exotic gases, motes, and crystals.
Paragon traitsEdit
The following traits are only present on certain paragons.
Trait | Governor effects | Other effects | Paragon | Description | DLC |
Muutagan Liaison | Muutagan Merchant Guild leader
Recruited from the Muutagan Merchant Guild, this leader owns several private Rare Crystal mines.
Riggan Liaison | Riggan Commerce Exchange leader | Recruited from the Riggan Commerce Exchange, this leader spends their spare time dealing in Volatile Motes futures.
XuraCorp Liaison | XuraCorp leader | Recruited from XuraCorp, this leader holds shares in several Exotic Gas production facilities.
Shroudwalker Teacher | Shroudwalker leader | An adept of the Shroudwalkers, skilled in instructing in the ways of the Shroud.
Caretaker | Caretaker AX7-b | Ensuring nutrients are available, that the workspace is clean, and that the wards are properly stimulated all fall under the preview of a Caretaker.
Oracle | Oracle | The Oracle sees all.
Nanite Entity | Gray | Gray is a dense swarm of billions of advanced nanites.
Psionic Communion | +10 Stability (+5) | The Beholder | This leader's psionic abilities improve the populace's mental wellbeing, building trust and providing a sense of safety.
Blorg Insight | Mercedes Romero | Centuries of studying the broadcasts and culture of a certain species of upright mammal has made this individual brazenly eager to please. Some would say, annoyingly so.
Node traitsEdit
These traits are added to the Growth Node of a Gestalt Consciousness empire by certain events. Their effects apply empire-wide.
Trait | Effects | Source | Description | DLC |
Caretaker Teachings | Recruited Caretaker AX7-b | The unique knowlege of the Caretaker has become our own.
Exploration | Exploration • FTL • Unique systems • L-Cluster • Pre-FTL species • Fallen empire • Spaceborne aliens • Enclaves • Guardians • Marauders • Caravaneers |
Celestial bodies | Celestial body • Colonization • Planetary features • Planet modifiers |
Discovery | Discovery • Anomaly • Archaeological site • Astral rift • Relics • Collection |
Species | Species • Pop modification • Biological traits • Machine traits • Population • Species rights • Ethics |
Leaders | Leader • Common leader traits • Commander traits • Official traits • Scientist traits • Paragons |
Governance | Empire • Origin • Government • Civics • Council • Agendas • Policies • Edicts • Factions • Traditions • Ascension perks • Situations |
Economy | Resources • Planetary management • Districts • Jobs • Designation • Trade • Megastructures |
Buildings | Planet capital • Common buildings • Unique buildings • Holdings |
Ships | Ship • Ship designer • Core components • Weapon components • Utility components • Mutations • Offensive mutations |
Technology | Technology • Physics research • Society research • Engineering research |
Diplomacy | Diplomacy • Relations • Galactic community • Federations • Subject empires • Intelligence • AI personalities |
Warfare | Warfare • Space warfare • Land warfare • Starbase • Crisis |
Others | Events • The Shroud • Preset empires • AI players • Stat modifiers • Console commands • Easter eggs |